Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Hidden Beasts.

Just holes in the ground right? It's not quite that simple. Ant lions; small but deadly creatures living among us, enjoy feasting on the insides of innocent ants. The underground beast, about the size of a human fingernail devours the ant with it's hollow pinchers in seconds. It grabs hold of the ant and pulls him down to the point of no return. This video put on by the National Geographic goes into great depth of the function of an ant lion and how it retrieves it's meal. I strongly encourage you to hit that play button! Don't be afraid to turn the volume up, it goes into fierce detail of what's going on!

Mind-blowing right? It still amazes me what ant lion's are capable of doing. I find it crazy how disguised ant lion's are, It just makes me think: what else is living underground around my house? Unless you knew there was a bug underneath the unblemished hole, it wouldn't mean much. I wonder how you think of holes in the dirt now. Who knows, YOU might even have one lurching beneath the dirt of your home.


  1. I am now obsessed with finding an ant lion. I've even started watching at the Marina. What do they do in the winter?

  2. Wow! My mind was blown, i never knew ants had predators. I also wonder what other living creature lives underground of your house.

  3. I like your your information about the ants predators that was awesome

  4. WOW! I had no idea that these creatures exist. It's so interesting how they set their traps for prey, and that they keep working until they get their meal. I also thought it was cool that you were able to capture this live in your own backyard in another blog post of yours. Nice project!
